
Finances 101: Tips to answer financial question

Finances 101: Tips to answer financial question

Finances seem to be on the top of everyone’s mind lately.   I hope to bring you some information that will help you look into your finances and make a plan for your future. Many of us struggle with our finances and are not exactly 

Jobs: 6 reasons why having one is important

Jobs: 6 reasons why having one is important

  Why jobs are important to our well being? As many of us have come to realize, holding on to jobs is so much more than just having an income. Yes, it’s great to have some time off work as long as we are getting 

Stages of Grief

Stages of Grief

– Handling & Processing Grief – The process of Grief Grief happens when a person loses a relationship that is very significant to them. Grief can occur from death, divorce, the loss of a job, or pet and is different for each person. One may 

Is the pandemic hurting your mental health?

Is the pandemic hurting your mental health?

    How is your Mental Health? I hope this finds you doing well. I know it’s a scary time right now due to Covid-19 spreading throughout the United Stats but the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have given preventative measures to help 

Emotional Realm

Emotional Realm

 – Handling emotions & feelings – Hi there! Welcome to the emotional realm and the first dimension of wellness we will travel through. Please note that all wellness dimensions are intertwined, and as I discuss each, there will be references to other realms and links 

Guide to Self-Care

Guide to Self-Care

 – Small steps to improve one’s health – Do you have brain fog? Do you have unexplained aches and pains? Do you have unexplained weight gain? Are you always tired? Taking care of ourselves is a very important step for wellness. Many times over the 

Realms of Wellness

Realms of Wellness

 – Breakdown of every realm – Hi There! I am so excited to be able to bring you information about health and wellness! Here I will provide a brief overview of each dimension. As I continue with my blog, I will work towards expanding each 



– What to expect – Welcome Everyone, As I watch the whirlwind of snow drifting down to the rooftops, trees, grass, I think about how beautiful the snow is and how awesome life is. I am safe, inside a warm and cozy home. I have 



Welcome to Patterns for Health! We’re happy you are here and excited to start this new adventure with you! Patterns for Health will provide information on wellness topics from years of experience in teaching, mental health, holistic healing, and much more.  Patterns for Health hopes