Guide to Self-Care

Guide to Self-Care

 – Small steps to improve one’s health –

Do you have brain fog?

Do you have unexplained aches and pains?

Do you have unexplained weight gain?

Are you always tired?

Taking care of ourselves is a very important step for wellness.

Many times over the years I found myself trying to take care of everyone else and not taking care of myself. After awhile, I burned out. I was exhausted, could not think straight, could not remember things, could not sleep, ached constantly, could not deal with stress, had sweet cravings, and had digestive problems along with weight gain. There were days I could barely get out of bed in the morning.  I was diagnosed with depression but that was not the real problem. I love my kids and life and want to do whatever I can for them and with them. I enjoy taking care of them and being a key part of their lives. I am not depressed, I just could not do activities anymore because my body was not letting me.

What was it then?

After researching on my own and meeting with a naturopathic doctor, I discovered that I was suffering from adrenal fatigue. Although adrenal fatigue is not an accepted medical diagnosis and blood tests did not show that I had adrenal insufficiency (an accepted medical diagnosis), all of my symptoms pointed to adrenal fatigue.  I was not taking time out of my busy day to take care of myself nor was I managing the stresses of life and all the tasks I did in a day. My body seemed to always be in the ‘flight or fight’ mode wearing me down and producing an overabundance of hormones.

I started following protocols from the naturopathic doctor along with participating in self-care activities. Eventually, these treatments started helping and I was able to determine the root causes of my problems.

Click below for a self-care guide!

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