Is the pandemic hurting your mental health?

How is your Mental Health?
I hope this finds you doing well. I know it’s a scary time right now due to Covid-19 spreading throughout the United Stats but the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have given preventative measures to help us stay safe. Scientists are working diligently to find a cure/vaccine. Practicing preventative measures is very important and will help everyone to be safer for your mental health and can stop the spread of virus. Not only does the virus affect our physical health, but it is negatively impacting our mental health as well, including mine. Many citizens are experiencing higher levels of anxiety and depression during this time, which is understandable. Households are losing loved ones and fearful that others in their household may fall victim to the virus as well.
If you are a part of the unfortunate families, you have my deepest condolences. Please check out Stages of Grief for more info on handling & processing emotions during these times.
We have to practice social distancing and isolating from others. Although this is necessary to stop the spread if COVID-19, it can cause some challenges for many of us. Learning skills to help alleviate anxiety and depression can hep us manage our thoughts. Also helps to be more aware of our physical health and help us to follow through with guidelines set forth to protect us physically.
Social Impact on mental health
Social distancing and quarantines have impacted the social realm limiting our social activities affecting our mental health. This is very limiting for our social activities which can also impact our mental health. I work with many clients who have struggled with more anxiety and depression over the last few weeks due to the stay at home orders and the virus itself. Many feel alone and also afraid of contracting the virus. It has been difficult for everyone, especially those who have loved ones who have passed or are sick and in the hospital.
Keep in touch with loved ones
We have means to talk to anyone nowadays but some suggestions are.
Connect over social media
- Everyone is connected via Facebook, Instagram, and other forms of media.
Talk on the phone
- Take some time to call up or message loved ones and catch up with life.
Get to know your immediate neighbors
- Whether living in an apartment or individual housing take the time to talk and know your those around you.
Also, don’t forget the elderly people you know who may not have family nearby. If you are able, give them a call to make sure they are doing okay. Drop off a gift basket and clean everything first of course.
Occupational Impact on mental health
These are tough times especially for those out of work
People are also experiencing occupational difficulties during the crisis. Millions are out of work due to the pandemic. This has also been difficult but most have started receiving help to get through this hardships. Losing a job also causes mental stress for many, even when they are told they will go back to work at a later time. It is difficult for many people because they may feel they have lost their purpose and feel lost. I have seem many of my neighbors take on landscaping and building projects.
I have also seen work-from-home online positions and some great courses to learn how to do something new both for a change in jobs and for hobby/enjoyment. Many are home schooling children, outside activities and adding more family time and games could also be a suggestion.
Distraction is one way to keep your mind off a crisis.
Distract yourself with things you like to do. I would suggest doing some home improvements, spring cleaning, or start a new hobby. Try taking time to paint your house or clean your closets. For those of you who are off work, this is the perfect time! Get back into gardening to work out your anxiety. Or, start a hobby you have been wanting to start or finish a project you never finished. Start an exercise program or a new way of eating. You have time to make a lasting change while under quarantine.
Find something positive to focus on and continue to use preventative measures to keep yourself healthy.
Here is a simple guide to stress relief to get some ideas.
Get Physical
By getting physical, I mean-start moving! Jump into another dimension of wellness to get healthy. There’s no better time than the present.
Start an exercise routine. If you are a beginner, start slow. Focus on things that can do without hurting yourself. Walk a half mile a day. Do this for several days and when your body is used to it, move up to a mile every day. If walking isn’t enough, try jogging or running. Intermittent running by is a walk-run program that has benefits of weight loss as well as building strength and core muscles, and strengthening your heart. Perhaps you have always wanted to learn yoga. There are many workouts for beginners. Start there and increase your integrity once your body is used to the workout. Lifting weights is another option. For someone who has not used weights in the past and needs to increase strength, starting out with 2, 3 or 5lb dumbbells is a great place to start. Still not sure? If you can easily do 2 sets of 15 reps of each exercise with a certain weight, then move up to the next weight interval.
Regardless of what you decide to do, find a routine and stick to it.
You can accomplish better toned muscles within 14 days! When your arms strengthen and the weights do not feel they are working the muscles anymore, increase the weight to the next level. You can do this by itself or pair it with exercise that focus on other areas of your body.
Dance is another way to exercise with an added benefit of fun. I love to dance to music and am making an exercise routine for me! I have started using the BODY FX 8 Workout. It focuses on all areas muscle groups of the body. I also love to swim, unfortunately,that will have to wait for a while.
Keep in mind, these are awesome ways to get physical for men and women! Especially in the BODY FX workouts, and don’t be afraid to participate in running, jogging, yoga, or any other workouts mentioned here.
Good physical health can improve spirituality. Spirituality a way for individuals to find purpose and peace. Individuals have to explore their inner self to find their purpose and balance between their inner self and the outer world. Spiritual wellness can include religious values, morals, faith, hope, a positive outlook, forgiveness, commitment, mediation, and prayer. Spirituality is an individual process and differs from person to person, but most people believe in a higher power or being. Many people are turning to their spiritual side during this crisis.
As you can see, the crisis has implemented all of the wellness realms. We should take this time to find ourselves and figure out what we really want in life. Stay calm, help your neighbor and use this time to take a step back from the busy life. Recharge yourself so you can be the best you and to be ready for the challenge when this is over!
This too shall pass.
Please remember that:
Worrying does not change things, it takes away today’s peace.